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How to lay sod and sod grass? (Laying sod next to concrete)

How to lay sod and sod grass?

Laying sod next to concrete– This section is about Specification and construction process of furnishing and laying of sod of perennial turf forming grass, on Embankment slopes, Watershed management, and other location and also provide direction of  Engineer to use the sods grass.

Grass sod turfing work on the Embankment slop
Fig1. Grass sod turfing work on the Embankment slop

Material for sod grass

  1. The sod consists of dense, well-rooted growth of permanent and desirable grasses, indigenous to the locality where it is to be used and should be practically free from weeds or other undesirable matter.  At the time sod is cut, the grass on the sod is be free of debris then Laying sod next to concrete.
  2. Thickness of the sod should be as uniform as possible with approximately 5–8 cm of soil covering the grassroots depending on the nature of the sod, so that practically all the dense root system of the grasses is retained in strips of uniform width, not less than about 25 cm x 30 cm in size but not so large that it is inconvenient to handle and transport these without damage. 
  3. During wet weather, the sod is allowed to dry sufficiently to prevent tearing during handling.  During dry weather, it should be watered before lifting to ensure its vitality and prevent the dropping of the soil in handling.
Material for Sod
Fig3. Material for Sod

Construction Operation of Laying sod next to concrete

Preparation of the Earth Bed:

  1. unless otherwise specified, the work should be taken up as soon as possible following construction of the embankment, provided the season is favorable for establishment of the sod.
  2. The area to the sodded is previously constructed to the required slope and cross section.  The soil on the area is loosened, freed of all stones larger than 50 mm diameter, sticks, stumps and any undesirable foreign matter, and brought to a reasonably fine granular texture to a depth of not less than 25 mm for receiving the sod.
  3. Where required, topsoil should spread over the slopes; prior to placing the topsoil, the slopes are sacrificed to a depth of 10–15 cm.  The topsoil is spread to a depth which after settlement will provide the required nominal depth shown on the Drawings. Spreading is not done when the ground is excessively wet.
  4. Following soil preparation and topsoiling, where required by the Client, fertilizer and ground limestone should spread uniformly at the rate directed by the Engineer.  After spreading, the materials should be incorporated in the soil by discing or other means to the depths shown on the drawings.

Placing the Sods:

  1. The prepared sod bed should be moistened to the loosened depth, if not already sufficiently moist, and the sod should be placed thereon within approximately24 hours after the same has been cut.  Each sod strip should be laid edge to edge such that the joints caused by abutting ends are staggered.  Every strip after it is snugly placed against the strips already in a position should lightly tamp in position, to eliminate air pockets and pressed into the underlying soil.
  2. On side slopes steeper than 2 to 1, the laying of sod is started from the bottom upwards.
  3. At points where water may flow over a sodded area, the upper edges of the sod strips are turned into the soil below the adjacent area and a layer of earth placed over this followed by its thorough compaction.

Staking the Sods:

Where the side slope is 2 to 1 or steeper and the distance along the slope is more than 2 meters, the sods are staked with pegs or nails spaced at approximately 50 to 100 cm along the longitudinal axis of the sod strips.  Stakes are driven approximately plumb through the sods to be almost flush with them.

Top Dressing:

After the sod has been laid in position, the surface should cleaned of loose sod, excess soil and other foreign material.  Thereafter a thin layer of topsoil is scattered over the surface as a top dressing and the area thoroughly moistened by sprinkling with water.

Ductility Test of Bitumen and its Suitability for Road Construction

Watering and Maintenance:

  1. The sods should be watered by the Contractor for a period of at least four weeks after laying.  Watering is done to avoid erosion and prevent damage to sodded areas by wheels of water tanks.
  2. The Contractor should erect necessary warning signs and barriers, repair or replace sodded areas failing to show uniform growth of grass or areas that are damaged by his operations, and is otherwise maintain the sod at his cost until final acceptance.

Measurement of Laying sod next to concrete

  • Turfing with sods is measured as finished work in square meters, measured along the slope.
  • The tender price quoted for turfing with sods  include payment in full for carrying out all the required operation explained above including compensation for furnishing all the materials to be incorporated in the Works; and all labor, tools, equipment, and incidentals to complete the work in accordance with the Specification, except that fertilizer and ground limestone when required by the Engineer should pay for in accordance with the variations and provisions of the Conditions of Contract. This is all about laying sod next to concrete.

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